there are many things that come between god and myself. worldy temptations to begin with. shaitaans devious plans. there are such useless thoughts in my head that refrain me from advancing towards namaaz. towards allah's kind words. sometimes i feel if it werent for allah i would have killed myself long ago.
life is full of disparity, cruelty and unjustice. people perform such heneious crimes without any guilt or remorse. families are raped and killed in front of eachother. loved ones suffer traumatic and unwarranted circumstances. merciless shootings and destruction. thoughtless provocation resulting in the worst of consequences. yet there is always hope and light at the end of the tunnel. there is anticipation in allahs existance. there is a flicker of inclination and yearning in his presence. why do we bear and tolerate such unkindness from our own creations. becuause we know that allah is there. and the day of judgement is there. and a record of all that took place will be there. and there is no one as just and as kind as allah. those who walk the earth thinking theres no tommorow will be reprimanded. those who believe in the current world only will be for a surprise. the quran talks about such people. people like the pharoah who were rich in arrogance. they were models of pride and conceit. allah mentions them in the quran for us not to follow in their steps.
'' the life of men is tempted by love and desire for women, children, the hoarding of treasures of gold and silver, branded horses, wealth of cattle and plantations, these are the comforts for the transitory life of this world; the everlasting best comfort , however is with allah. say; '' shall i tell you of better things than these, with which the righteous will be rewarded by their rabb? there will be gardens beneath which rivers flow , where they will live forever with spouses of perfect chastity and the good pleasure of allah. allah is watching his servants very closely . '' the righteous people are those who pray: '' our rabb! we sincerely believe in you : please forgive our sins save us from the agony of the hellfire:'' who are steadfast, obedient and charitable and who pray for forgiveness in the morning time. 3;( 14-17) surah A'l-e-Imran
no matter how heavy our plates are of sin, allah will forgive us. it is never too late for allah to welcome us, to excuse us. and the time is never delayed for us to atone our indulgence.
yesterday, before my final crit, i stood shaking with fear from what was to come my way. and alhamdolilah everything went so smoothly that for a little while i couldnt understand. it allah who helps and guides us. if you ask him sincerely with true conviction, he will always be there for you. and if you are ever saddened by the world, or angry at your surroundings, take refuge in his words. you will find nothing but solace there. and that is all that you need to survive.