Sunday, November 2, 2008

the globe trekker

iam the globe trekker. the world explorer.Sometimes in my dreams I travel to places I have never seen before. Iam the traveler who discovers and wanders. Who has a packpack ready. I climb mountains to see the height. I walk on the earth to feel the sand. I lie in the waters to rejuvenate myself. I see allahs creations. Man and animals. The little birds that flutter their wings. The butterflies that create a symphony of colours in the sky. I see everything. I observe allahs magnificence. I marvel at his creativity. His ability to create multiplicity.
One of my many dreams after hajj and umrah is to travel the world. See the countries. Understand different cultures. There are so many Muslims in the world and I want to meet them. I want to blend in the blues of the cities of morocco. I want to climb the mountains of Egypt to feel the ego that the pharaoh once felt. I want to open my eyes in front of the great mosque of Russia. I want to feel the love of the taj mahal. I want to see the depth of the great canyon. I want to hear the gush of the Niagara falls. I want to feel the calm of a bhuddist temple.
when someone tells me where they've been, my heart is tempted to go there. My cousin thousands of miles away from here shares the same passion. He tells me where to go and what to see. He has agreed to become my unofficial tour guide. He plans to travel to Jordan, London, Portugal and Spain this year. Inshallah.

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