Sunday, October 19, 2008

the avoidable sin

iam alive today as well alhamdolilah! its because of him that iam alive and breathing. youtube is amazing. there are so many lectures that i hear on it without cost. how great is that. iam trying to train myself not to wtch movies or shows. except that yesterday i saw half of bhram which had milind soman in it. some habbits never die. but otherwise i get tempted a lot. being at dadis house and close to school, theres always a reason not to watch television. work is your top most priority. but when i go to my parents house, someone is always watching a movie or television that you just cannot ignore the idiot box. yesterday my mother was watching this movie wih shahsi kapoor and rakhi and it was so absurd that my brother and i couldnt help make fun of it.
coming to a serious note, i ave realised that if i want i can avoid television. all i really have to do is make myself busy in some other chore. i was listening to yusuf estes's lecture yesterday about music and he was making so much sense. whenever i listen to music, its always playing in my head. while iam saying my prayers or reading the quran. its so distracting. the recitation of the quran can become music. its melodic verses can be quite a subsitute. thanks to my khala, may allah bless her, she gave me a beautiful present. its a muslim walkman and i listen to it everyday before going to sleep. the quran really is miraculous. it soothes my nerves. it gives me direction. it reminds me of the mistakes i made during the day. it still gives me hope. it teaches me patience. it reassures me that allah is there and everything will be alright.


Sky High said...

True. Same here waise. Someone's always watching the tv. It gets annoying too, after a while, and super frustrating but it's for Allah that we're doing this. There has to be constant reminder.:)

Anonymous said...

Oooh, you may like the recitation of surah nisaa by Sa'ad al ghamidi in particular. That one I absolutely love.